Doha Feto Maternal Centre



(+974) 70550080
(+974) 4475 6369

Family Planning

Family Planning : the practice of controlling the number of children one has and the intervals between their births, particularly by means of contraception or voluntary sterilization.

methods of contraception:


It is a hormonal injection that is a medium term very effective contraceptive. It works for 12 weeks but if discontinued may require up to 9 months for fertility to return. It does not protect from sexually transmitted disease.


The combine oral contraceptive pill (COCP), often referred to as the birth control pill or  colloquially  as “the pill“, is a type of birth control that is designed to be taken orally by women. It includes a combination of an estrogen and a progestogen.  When taken correctly, it alters the menstruation  to eliminate ovulation  and prevent pregnancy

and are a very popular form of birth control. Combined oral contraceptive pills are a type of oral medication that is designed to be taken every day, at the same time of day, in order to prevent pregnancy. There are many different formulations or brands, but the average pack is designed to be taken over a 28-day period, or cycle. It does not protect from sexually transmitted disease.


A copper IUD is a flexible intrauterine copper containing device that is inserted into the uterus for long term effective contraceptive purposes and lasts for 5-10 years. It does not protect against sexually transmitted disease.


Mirena is a hormone-releasing system placed in your uterus to prevent intrauterine pregnancy for as long as you want for up to 54 years. Mirena also reduces greatly heavy period in women who choose intrauterine contraception. It does not protect against sexually transmitted disease


Implanon NXT is a contraceptive preloaded in a disposable applicator. The implant is a small, soft, flexible, plastic rod,4cm in length and 2mm in diameter, which contains 68 milligrams of the active substance, etonogestrel. The applicator allows the healthcare professional to insert the implant just under the skin of your upper arm. Implanon NXT is used to prevent pregnancy. It prevent the release of an egg cell from the ovaries .It causes changes in the cervix that make it difficult for sperm to enter the womb. It does not protect from sexually transmitted disease.